Hello, my name's Matt, but you can call me Kainte. (As in 'faint', but with a 'k' sound) Why? Because this is Kainte's Blog and Matt's Blog is a less interesting title. But if you must know, Kainte is an alter-ego I made up back when I was about six years old and eventually became a fictitious auto-biographical character for a book I'm writing called "Ailsglyph". But that is horribly off-topic, see what you've done? There's more reasons I chose Kainte, but whatever, you get the idea.
The point of this blog in particular is to document my pursuit to become a finely established neuroscientist. Lofty goal, considering that I'm only a high school graduate with no scientific background to speak of. But, I'm gonna try anyway and you can't stop me. So there.
As well as documenting my progress, (I'm about a quarter of the way from achieving an associates of biological sciences) I want this to be my go-to place to talk and rant and ramble about science related topics, which I've been known to do all on my own my whole life anyway, so now I have a proper place for it.
But seeing as this is my first post, I guess I should start out by telling everyone a little bit about myself... lets see... well... I'm 22 years old as of this post, and I've spent the past 4 years since high school kind of moving about trying to get my act together. I've been to various community colleges between California and Washington State, pursuing degrees from philosophy to psychology to game programming to film to Japanese, until I finally settled on this whole scientist thing. Thing is, I've always been really ambitious, but never had truly dedicated goals until now, and I kinda still want to help put things in perspective, so readers of this blog will probably see a lot of that.
I've been a technology kid my entire life, I like keeping up to date on current events and things of that nature. Music, games, and movies have been three of my favorite hobbies since, like, forever. Among learning Japanese, I'm learning to play guitar (and to a lesser extent the piano and djimbe drum) and I'd be lying if I didn't say a part of me wants to be a hellbent rock star. As long as I'm being honest, though I'm clean now, (besides being an alcoholic) drugs have been a large part of my history and kind of acted as a precursor for my interest in psychology-related things. Oh man, acid is one helluva drug. But uh, sorry, I digress...
The brain, I think, is the future. The next frontier, as it were, right before space. Within' the next forty, even twenty years, we're going to see amazing neurological scientific advancements emerge. This year even you're going to start seeing various 'mind-reading toys' pop up, devices that read brain waves and act according to the thoughts of the user. This technology has been around for awhile, but pop-culture integration is going to spur a lot of activity on the scientific front about things just like this and a lot more. If there was ever a time to be interested in the brain, I would imagine it'd be now.
Anyway, this blog isn't going to be extremely structured, just know that it's generally about science and my pursuit into science. While this blog is mostly about me, I do intend to make this blog accessible to others, so feel free to keep up with me and talk about science! (Man, that sounds geeky)
So... okay, bye.