Sunday, March 29, 2009

State of plasticity

One of me best friends goes by an on-line handle of "Shizukesa", which is Japanese for "serenity", a name he chose because he felt it best suited his temperament and life-goal. He consistently tries to find inner peace and to let the chaos of the world balance out into a relaxing state in which troublesome worries wash away. An interesting concept, another best friend of mine took on a similar name, one which he has long abandoned, but it played with a similar concept, and he chose the Japanese word "Rakusei" which is best defined as "completion", paralleling his own idea that life is a conquest with an end result and he must achieve that end and that would fulfill his purpose in life.

So in tagging along with this, I chose the word "Meikai", the best word I could find that compliments the idea of "clarity" by means of transcendence. I always thought my direction in life was to figure things out, to have things make sense in the grand scheme of things, to feel a sense of clarity and feel that sense of bliss you get when you have a revelation or an epiphany. To do this, I have incorporated analytical skills and lateral thinking into my daily habits, but I have a recurring enemy, one widely known as the Law of Gravity, built on the simple concept that what goes up must inevitably come down. On a similar note, Novelty Theory or 'Timewave Zero', which basically states that energy through novelty is an inherent quality of time and that it is reaching a climactic point, makes an argument that clarity might be a process to be achieved little by little until it hits a common singularity, and I like to think this theory nicely complements both the ideas of Nirvana (In that transcendence will break the cycle of rebirth and suffering) and the ideas of a Collective Consciousness which on this scale, would unite our planet on our conquest to discovering truth and clarity. Oddly enough, this whole philosophical fireball coincides quite well with my good friend's motivations as well, it's just a different way of looking at the same coin, albeit a coin with three sides.

But see, upon pontification, all of this jargon seems like pseudo-science to me, inter-laced theories while credible in their own right, seem to form something on the basis of wishful thinking, and has very little correlation with the real world, or at least the world as I see it. In part this is a bit of a shame because I can't attempt to explain the possibilities of the interactions of theories without disregarding a neutral point of view and credible sources as a basis for finding a universal truth. Rather it's based much more heavily on a sense of intuition and a sense of reasoning that makes more sense in my worldview than it would in anyone else's, and this is primarily because the whole idea of this theory is to find a model that finds its way outside the current western materialist way of thinking. I could go on to explain how I'm by far not the first to do away with the idea of thinking about "things" as anything other than "nouns" but by no means are they classified as "objects", I can take into account models such as the Big Bang theory and say that should that be the case, then we're all compromised of the same energy not necessarily interacting with each other, but giving the appearance of a harmonious relationship with the universe that seems chaotic to the individual, but is highly designed and pre-meditated before the burst of energy that started this all. I can get mystical about it or I can get scientific about it, but no matter what I do, it won't seem right because I'm talking about the whole thing from a very subjective experience, and for that reason I can't fully integrate or even take seriously the thoughts and theories of anyone else, though I do encourage them to speak their mind anyway in hopes that in a moment of pontification that one of us may actually stumble across something so irrefutable and true that a new age will dawn on us and everything will be wonderful in a sort of way completely unimaginable to the current worldview of things.

But in the end I'm just a dog chasing his own tail.

There's this idea that there is a universal truth to the universe, one that's worth discovering that will bring an end to the nonsense prevalent in the world today, but I think people might be thinking about this the wrong way, and I know to a certainty that it is healthy to at least question today's methodologies. Physicists today, for example, are looking for a unifying theory that explains virtually everything in an attempt to understand the universe by unifying all their theories into one to end the debate on the nature of existence and quantum mechanics and whatever. But I say to them, "Sure, maybe science will benefit greatly from this discovery, new technologies can be developed and a new era of science will ultimately benefit mankind, but... did you really explain the universe, or did you just create a model that makes sense in and of itself but has no real correlation to the true nature of the universe?" I would get all sorts of replies, sure, but I would imagine none of them would convince me short of satisfying my appetite for at least understanding the popular model for the explanation of 'everything'. In the end it's semantics, a general idea that can't truly be conveyed through language, instead we rely on metaphors to try to create a working understanding of what we 'need to know' about the universe so that we can move on with our lives together and still be able to ponder the little things in life that only the imagination can satisfy.

So in a sense this is all a game, a game that can be played many different ways depending on your own method of perceiving the inner workings of the universe, and it becomes a product of your own imagination to determine what could possibly be 'meaningful' as opposed to 'true but so what'. The worst thing is is that no one is even sure if this game is a product of their own identity or a product of the environment of which the organism is spawned. One day we might know the real answer, but if we can only learn through metaphors, then how long will that metaphor remain relevant before we revert back to our current state of plasticity?

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